17 de Noviembre de 2022

Exchange programme with Collegio Vescovile Pio X

Exchanges have been part of the tradition of our school for many years. From November 9th to 13th, 15 students from 1 ESO-NEI participated in the Erasmus + exchange programme with Collegio Vescovile Pio X, a school located in Treviso, Italy. This international programme is also involved in our school project Nature World Congress. During the 5-day visit, our students took part in a wide variety of school and outdoor activities. As a group both Italian and Catalan students visited some iconic places in Treviso and Venice and they learned a lot about the problems caused by the effects of climate change. The hospitality and warm welcome from staff and students at Collegio Vescovile Pio X never fail to amaze us. Now we are looking forward to meeting our Italian friends in Barcelona. For sure it will be an unforgettable experience for all of us!