Horizon+ Jesuit educational project

We educate individuals to be competent, aware, compassionate and committed. These four words define our vision of human and educational excellence. We combine academic and personal learning in the educational model, Jesuit Education: Horizon+. A global educational proposal with eight essential dimensions.

Horizon +: Global educational proposal

What does Horizon+ entail?

We combine academic and personal learning in the educational model, Jesuit Education: Horizon+. A global educational proposal with eight essential dimensions:

Student body

we help build a future with meaning, freedom and vocation so that they become expert learners in life (magis). We train them to transform society with a critical and hopeful vision.

Families and environment

We get the family and social environment of each school involved. We establish close links with the environment to achieve educational excellence for students and schools.

Education professionals

We encourage training and innovation with new methodologies. We accompany students in their emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth.


We build a curriculum based on skills that transform students into global citizens with an intercultural and interlinguistic vision.


We offer meaningful experiences in personalized learning. We incorporate innovative initiatives to develop the interests and skills of each individual.


We foster continuous improvement. We approach assessments with a comprehensive view: competency-based, integrated, inclusive, self-assessed and formative.


We encourage collaboration between Jesuit professionals from the governing bodies. Effective and sustainable network management based on the Ignatian humanist vision.


We look for flexibility and creativity in spaces and blend the buildings in with the environment. We take education beyond the classroom to discover new ways of relating and learning.

Discover our innovative, transformative and comprehensive approach to education

Descubra la oferta educativa completa de las escuelas

The opportunity to transform oneself to transform the world

We build our global educational proposal on real challenges. We prepare students to interact with the environment, establish links with families, and foster the continuous training of teachers in a model of educational excellence. In transformative education, we walk together on a path filled with learning.

Alumnes i docent de la xarxa d'escoles de Jesuites Educacio

Our educational stages

We plan the students' experience in a new, innovative distribution of the stages: we maintain early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational and secondary school diploma education, but with a focus on continuous internal progression.

Etapa de la llar d'infants de la xarxa d'escoles de Jesuites Educacio

Kindergarten: P0, P1, P2

From 0 to 3 years of age, we offer children a welcoming space where they can start interacting with other children, adults and stimulating learning approaches. We share the first educational experience of their children with each family. At this stage, the function of the school is twofold: we are school and home.


Alumnes d'infantil de les escoles de la xarxa de Jesuites Educacio

MOPI: Early childhood education P3, P4 and P5

From the ages of 3 to 6, we develop children's comprehensive skills in the social, affective, motor, communication and cognitive areas. We take comprehensive, personalized and transformative educational approaches. We link learning to each child's interests so that they are happy during their day at school.


Alumnes de l'etapa PIN de la xarxa d'escoles Jesuites

PIN: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th class

From the age of 6 to 10, we continue the learning introduced in early childhood education. We stimulate students' proactivity, curiosity and reflection, values that will be the basis of their formation and vital growth. Academically, in 4th class, we complete elementary reading and writing and mathematical operations.


Alumnes de l'etapa NEI de la xarxa d'escoles Jesuites

NEI: 5th and 6th class of primary, 1st and 2nd year of secondary (ESO)

From the age of 10 to 14, we keep working on projects and deepen cognitive development. We are at a stage of personal maturation and consolidation of specific operations. We group the last cycle of primary school and the first cycle of obligatory secondary education (ESO) so that the transition to maturity and multiple intelligences is seamless.


Alumnes de l'etapa TQE de la xarxa d'escoles Jesuites

TQE: 3rd and 4th year of secondary (ESO)

From the age of 14 to 16, the person builds their own personality. We begin a stage of abstract thinking and personal skills such as decision-making and conflict resolution. We nurture skills and values with personalized learning that empowers them to make decisions independently, in both the academic and personal realms.


Alumnes de Batxillerat de les escoles de la xarxa de Jesuites Educacio

Vocational Education and Training

We propose a mainly competency-based route and help students prepare for the working environment. We integrate technical skills for professional areas (hard skills) as well as personal skills (soft skills). We maintain our social and humanistic commitment by offering volunteering opportunities.


Secondary school diploma

From the age of 16 to 18, we share resources that allow students to design a life project with freedom and autonomy. We complete the academic skills so that they advance on their educational path, and we arouse interest in knowledge, culture and spiritual values. We base projects on real situations and promote entrepreneurship.









education and

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Jesuits Lleida      
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Jesuits Sarrià      
Virtual VET