Extracurricular activities at Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi

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Extracurricular activities

Activitats esportives

A través de l’esport fomentem els valors de pertinença i esperit d’equip, de cooperació o coneixement d’un mateix i dels altres. Fomentem l’activitat física com una valuosa eina de formació per treballar l’autoconeixement, la consciència del propi cos, l’esforç, la paciència, la constància i la concentració. Disposem d’una àmplia oferta de propostes per a totes les edats.


Espai per l'extraescolar d'inicacio esportiva a Infantil de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Further information

Sports initiation school (P4 and P5)

The purpose of this activity is to respond to the motor characteristics of children, which are so important and necessary in the early years.

Alumne a l'extraescolar de Hoquei per Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Roller Hockey (P5 to Upper Secondary)

The roller hockey section of Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi makes every effort to offer a sport that has a long-standing tradition in Catalonia, in a school setting, in which all the values of team sport can be developed and thus reinforce the work done in the school project.

Extraescolar de gimnastic ritmica a Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Gymnastics (P5 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

Rhythmic gymnastics and aesthetic gymnastics enable girls to develop their physical and psychomotor skills while enjoying sport and physical activity. These sports will also strengthen the values associated with companionship and teamwork.

Extraescolar de patinatge a Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites

Skating (P5 to Upper Secondary)

We offer a different way of learning motor skills, on wheels and in a totally different environment. We instil the educational values of individual sports. We master skating for a future choice of roller sports, and we develop basic physical qualities.

Alumnes ballant a l'extraescolar de dansa a Infantil i Primaria de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Dance (P4 to Primary Year 6)

We work on aspects such as flexibility, coordination and musicality, and create individual movement sequences and group choreographies.


Pilota de basquet de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Basketball (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In the Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi basketball club our work is based on effort, the spirit of self-improvement, commitment, companionship and being self-critical.

Pilota de futbol de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Football (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

The Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi football team has the objective of fostering and developing the values of coexistence, companionship, effort and commitment. Our coaches help young athletes to grow through the concepts of the sport of football, enhancing the technical and sporting skills of the school’s young “players” from an educational standpoint.

Alumne a l'extraescolar de Hoquei per Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Roller Hockey (P5 to Upper Secondary)

The roller hockey section of Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi makes every effort to offer a sport that has a long-standing tradition in Catalonia, in a school setting, in which all the values of team sport can be developed and thus reinforce the work done in the school project.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de voleivol per a Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Volleyball (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 3)

The Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi volleyball club aims to enable participants to develop their physical and motor skills in a team sport that encourages them to reinforce the aspects and values of teamwork, companionship and respect.

Extraescolar de gimnastic ritmica a Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Gymnastics (P5 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

Rhythmic gymnastics and aesthetic gymnastics enable girls to develop their physical and psychomotor skills while enjoying sport and physical activity. These sports will also strengthen the values associated with companionship and teamwork.

Pista d'atletisme per a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Athletics (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We use different training methodologies to achieve the educational values of individual sports.

Materials per l'extraescolar de Judo a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Judo (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We work on technique and tactics. This activity enhances coexistence and communication with others, self-control and self-esteem. You learn to respect others, to trust, to adapt and to cooperate.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de natacio de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Swimming (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We offer all students the possibility of participating in the swimming school. We work on improvement, training and competition on a voluntary basis.

Extraescolars_Sant Ignasi_Natació sincronitzada

Synchronised swimming (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

A water sport that brings together swimming, dance, music and body expression.

Extraescolar de patinatge a Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites

Skating (P5 to Upper Secondary)

We offer a different way of learning motor skills, on wheels and in a totally different environment. We instil the educational values of individual sports. We master skating for a future choice of roller sports, and we develop basic physical qualities.

Alumnes ballant a l'extraescolar de dansa a Infantil i Primaria de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Dance (P4 to Primary Year 6)

We work on aspects such as flexibility, coordination and musicality, and create individual movement sequences and group choreographies.


Pilota de basquet de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Basketball (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In the Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi basketball club our work is based on effort, the spirit of self-improvement, commitment, companionship and being self-critical.

Pilota de futbol de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Football (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

The Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi football team has the objective of fostering and developing the values of coexistence, companionship, effort and commitment. Our coaches help young athletes to grow through the concepts of the sport of football, enhancing the technical and sporting skills of the school’s young “players” from an educational standpoint.

Alumne a l'extraescolar de Hoquei per Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Roller Hockey (P5 to Upper Secondary)

The roller hockey section of Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi makes every effort to offer a sport that has a long-standing tradition in Catalonia, in a school setting, in which all the values of team sport can be developed and thus reinforce the work done in the school project.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de voleivol per a Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Volleyball (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 3)

The Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi volleyball club aims to enable participants to develop their physical and motor skills in a team sport that encourages them to reinforce the aspects and values of teamwork, companionship and respect.

Extraescolar de gimnastic ritmica a Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Gymnastics (P5 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

Rhythmic gymnastics and aesthetic gymnastics enable girls to develop their physical and psychomotor skills while enjoying sport and physical activity. These sports will also strengthen the values associated with companionship and teamwork.

Pista d'atletisme per a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Athletics (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We use different training methodologies to achieve the educational values of individual sports.

Materials per l'extraescolar de Judo a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Judo (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We work on technique and tactics. This activity enhances coexistence and communication with others, self-control and self-esteem. You learn to respect others, to trust, to adapt and to cooperate.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de natacio de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Swimming (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We offer all students the possibility of participating in the swimming school. We work on improvement, training and competition on a voluntary basis.

Extraescolars_Sant Ignasi_Natació sincronitzada

Synchronised swimming (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

A water sport that brings together swimming, dance, music and body expression.

Extraescolar de patinatge a Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites

Skating (P5 to Upper Secondary)

We offer a different way of learning motor skills, on wheels and in a totally different environment. We instil the educational values of individual sports. We master skating for a future choice of roller sports, and we develop basic physical qualities.


Pilota de basquet de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Basketball (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In the Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi basketball club our work is based on effort, the spirit of self-improvement, commitment, companionship and being self-critical.

Pilota de futbol de l'extraescolar per Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Football (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

The Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi football team has the objective of fostering and developing the values of coexistence, companionship, effort and commitment. Our coaches help young athletes to grow through the concepts of the sport of football, enhancing the technical and sporting skills of the school’s young “players” from an educational standpoint.

Extraescolar de gimnastic ritmica a Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Gymnastics (P5 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

Rhythmic gymnastics and aesthetic gymnastics enable girls to develop their physical and psychomotor skills while enjoying sport and physical activity. These sports will also strengthen the values associated with companionship and teamwork.

Pista d'atletisme per a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Athletics (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We use different training methodologies to achieve the educational values of individual sports.

Materials per l'extraescolar de Judo a Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Judo (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We work on technique and tactics. This activity enhances coexistence and communication with others, self-control and self-esteem. You learn to respect others, to trust, to adapt and to cooperate.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de natacio de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Swimming (Primary Year 1 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

We offer all students the possibility of participating in the swimming school. We work on improvement, training and competition on a voluntary basis.

Alumne a l'extraescolar de Hoquei per Infantil, Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Roller Hockey (P5 to Upper Secondary)

The roller hockey section of Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi makes every effort to offer a sport that has a long-standing tradition in Catalonia, in a school setting, in which all the values of team sport can be developed and thus reinforce the work done in the school project.

Extraescolar de patinatge a Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites

Skating (P5 to Upper Secondary)

We offer a different way of learning motor skills, on wheels and in a totally different environment. We instil the educational values of individual sports. We master skating for a future choice of roller sports, and we develop basic physical qualities.

Activitats culturals

Entenem que l’expressió artística, la creativitat i la curiositat són necessàries per a la seva maduresa com a persones. Plantegem nous reptes i aprenentatges en un àmbit innovador i engrescador per als alumnes.  Disposem d’una àmplia oferta de propostes per a totes les edats.


Classes d'angles d'Infantil, Primaria, eso i batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

English (P3 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In partnership with CIC Language School, we guarantee maximum progress in learning English and prepare students to obtain official certificates and qualifications.

Peces d'escacs de l'extraescolar d'Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Chess (P5 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

We see chess as a playful, educational and interdisciplinary tool that fosters the development of intellectual skills such as attention, memory, imagination, creativity, spatial control, concentration and calculation.

Alumnes d'infantil a l'extraescolar de tecnologia STEAM de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

STEAM Technology (P4 and P5)

Children learn how to build their LEGO® robot and use it to solve problems and challenges using a variety of materials. They use their creativity to improve the robot’s design and their own challenges. They learn to program and compose routines visually without having to worry about programming syntax and spelling with the Scratch Junior program.

Alumnne a l'extrascolar Arts & Crafts de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Arts & Crafts (P3 to Primary Year 6)

Art, plastic arts and crafts at these ages are essential for developing imagination, creativity, fine motor skills and intellectual development. The activity is taught by specialists, entirely in English.

Alumne d'infantil a l'extraescolar de teatre de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Theatre (P4 to Primary Year 6)

With the Infant and Primary first cycle years, we will work on emotional expression through an introduction to theatrical play, in order to establish a base from which to work on more performance-based aspects. From the 3rd year of Primary School onwards, we will work on aspects of the world of theatre together with the vocabulary of the world of drama, the creation of characters, improvisation and staging.


Classes d'angles d'Infantil, Primaria, eso i batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

English (P3 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In partnership with CIC Language School, we guarantee maximum progress in learning English and prepare students to obtain official certificates and qualifications.

Peces d'escacs de l'extraescolar d'Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Chess (P5 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

We see chess as a playful, educational and interdisciplinary tool that fosters the development of intellectual skills such as attention, memory, imagination, creativity, spatial control, concentration and calculation.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de robotica i programacio per Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Robotics and programming (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

Developing STEAM skills will be based on project-based learning, where students will use various technologies as a vehicle of expression to present innovative prototypes and services, in an international community.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de disseny 3D i realitat virtual de Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

3D design and virtual reality (Primary Year 3 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

Developing STEAM skills will be based on project-based learning, where students will use various technologies as a vehicle of expression to present innovative prototypes and services, in an international community. We do 3D design projects and create interactive virtual environments, thus working on digital skills.

Alumnne a l'extrascolar Arts & Crafts de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Arts & Crafts (P3 to Primary Year 6)

Art, plastic arts and crafts at these ages are essential for developing imagination, creativity, fine motor skills and intellectual development. The activity is taught by specialists, entirely in English.

Extraescolar de manualitats textils a Primaria de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Textile crafts (Primary Year 1 to 6)

These are practical and creative textile craft workshops designed for children to learn to work artistically with different textile materials, such as threads and clothes. The goal is to stimulate creativity, awareness of textile crafts and to increase the children’s capacity for concentration and expression.

Alumne d'infantil a l'extraescolar de teatre de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Theatre (P4 to Primary Year 6)

With the Infant and Primary first cycle years, we will work on emotional expression through an introduction to theatrical play, in order to establish a base from which to work on more performance-based aspects. From the 3rd year of Primary School onwards, we will work on aspects of the world of theatre together with the vocabulary of the world of drama, the creation of characters, improvisation and staging.


Classes d'angles d'Infantil, Primaria, eso i batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

English (P3 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In partnership with CIC Language School, we guarantee maximum progress in learning English and prepare students to obtain official certificates and qualifications.


We train multilingual people, communicatively competent and rigorous in the use of the language. We develop a unique communicative competence and use different languages ​​for personal development and learning.

We offer the possibility to participate in Spellian, an innovative language exchange program (English-Spanish or French-Spanish) designed especially for ESO and Baccalaureate students.

Peces d'escacs de l'extraescolar d'Infantil, Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Chess (P5 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

We see chess as a playful, educational and interdisciplinary tool that fosters the development of intellectual skills such as attention, memory, imagination, creativity, spatial control, concentration and calculation.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de robotica i programacio per Primaria i ESO de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Robotics and programming (Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

Developing STEAM skills will be based on project-based learning, where students will use various technologies as a vehicle of expression to present innovative prototypes and services, in an international community.

Alumnes a l'extraescolar de disseny 3D i realitat virtual de Primaria, ESO i Batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

3D design and virtual reality (Primary Year 3 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

Developing STEAM skills will be based on project-based learning, where students will use various technologies as a vehicle of expression to present innovative prototypes and services, in an international community. We do 3D design projects and create interactive virtual environments, thus working on digital skills.


Classes d'angles d'Infantil, Primaria, eso i batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

English (P3 to Upper Secondary Year 2)

In partnership with CIC Language School, we guarantee maximum progress in learning English and prepare students to obtain official certificates and qualifications.


We train multilingual people, communicatively competent and rigorous in the use of the language. We develop a unique communicative competence and use different languages ​​for personal development and learning.

We offer the possibility to participate in Spellian, an innovative language exchange program (English-Spanish or French-Spanish) designed especially for ESO and Baccalaureate students.

Music School

We ensure high-quality musical education that fosters knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation of music. We offer music education based on voice training, auditory work, musical reading and writing, individual learning of the instrument and musical practice in groups. We encourage creativity and foster work on values such as respect, commitment, perseverance and the ethos of hard work.

  • Music (P1 to Upper Secondary Year 2): Our project is structured throughout all the educational stages, adapting the various activities to the age of the children, young people or adults.
Classes d'angles d'Infantil, Primaria, eso i batxillerat de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi

Summer and English

We offer stays in Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada for students from Primary Year 5 upwards.

JE Sports Camp

We offer sports camps for students from Primary Year 1 to Lower Secondary Year 4.
- Basketball, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, volleyball (Tortosa)
- Football, futsal and roller skating (Amposta)

Summer camps and schools at Sant Ignasi

We learn to live together and enjoy the summer.

- Summer Adventure School, in partnership with CIC Language School (from P3 to Primary Year 4)

- Basketball, with FBC Fundació del Bàsquet Català (Primary Year 2 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

- Football with FCB School - Sport (Primary Year 2 to Lower Secondary Year 2)

- Skate hockey campus (Primary Year 2 to Lower Secondary Year 1)