Pre-enrolment and enrolment

Here you will find all the information on pre-enrolment at our school.

Pre-enrolment and enrolment

Nursery and Upper Secondary (all categories) are private levels and therefore do not require pre-enrolment.

Nursery (P1 and P2) and Upper Secondary: ENROLMENT OPEN!



2024–25 Pre-enrolment

Here you will find all the information you need to fill in the official pre-enrolment application form for the subsidised courses (from P3 to Lower Secondary Year 4)

Pre-school (3–6 years), Primary Education and Lower Secondary Education



  • Pre-school (3–6 Years) and primary education: from 6 to 20 March 2024
  • Lower Secondary Education: from 8 to 20 March 2024



  • Pre-school, Primary Education and Lower Secondary Education: from 18 to 26 June 2024

Later, here you will find all the information necessary to complete the official pre-registration for the agreed courses (from P3 to 4th of ESO)

For any questions or clarifications, we are at your disposal:

preins 24-25


  • Siblings at the centre: 50 points
  • Proximity of the parent’s usual place of residence or work to the school. Scores are not added together:
    • The family’s usual place of residence within the educational area: 30 points
    • Place of work of the father, mother, guardian or tutor within the educational area: 20 points
    • The family’s usual place of residencesame municipal district: 15 points
    • The family’s usual place of residencesame municipality: 10 points
    • Guaranteed Income of Citizenship: 15 points(when a member of the household receives the Guaranteed Income of Citizenship).

ADDITIONAL CRITERIA (used as tiebreaker)

  • Father, mother or legal guardian working at the school: 10 points
  • Large family: 10 points
  • Single-parent family: 10 points
  • Twin or triplet: 10 points
  • Family foster care situation: 10 points
  • Disability: 15 points. When the child, the father or mother, or a sibling has a disability equal to or greater than 33%.
  • Being a victim of gender violence or terrorism: 10 points

The documentation accrediting both the priority and additional criteria must be attached to the pre-enrolment application form within the established period.

When completing your school pre-enrolment, if your child comes from another school, you will need the following information:

  • Their RALC number (Student Register of the Department of Education) for your son/daughter. Not required for P3.
  • Our centre code: 08004067 and the name of the centre: Sant Ignasi-Sarrià.

You will need:

  • Electronic ID, digital certificate, TCat, Mobile IdCat, Cl@ve, etc.
  • (If enrolling in P3) Family book or other documents relating to parentage.

You will need:

  • Family book or other documents relating to parentage.
  • ID card, passport or other identity documents of the parent or guardian carrying out the procedure.
  • ID card of the student if he/she is over 14 years of age or if, despite not being 14 years of age, he/she has an ID card.

You will be required to present:

  • Proof of proximity to the centre.
  • Municipal certificate or proof of the student's cohabitation with the applicant when the address claimed does not match that of the identity document presented**.
  • Copy of the employment contract or certificate issued by the company, when using the work address for proximity purposes.

** And the renewed ID, with the new address, upon enrolment.

You will need:

  • Documentary proof of being a recipient of the guaranteed minimum income benefit (GMI).
  • Disability of the student, parent, guardian or siblings (if applicable).
  • Certificate of disability, equal to or greater than 33% (if applicable).
  • Large family or single-parent family (if applicable).
  • Valid large family or single-parent family card (if applicable).