
Our desire to effectively help students face global challenges (ICJSE vision statement)

International sphere

We prepare people who are flexible and open to change, global citizens who can communicate in other languages. We teach how to actively contribute to a fairer and more sustainable world; we equip students with the skills to succeed and contribute in an ever-changing reality.We inspire in our students the commitment to take on global challenges with a new level of responsibility.


Our partners

Schools with which we share educational quality and with which we maintain direct partnerships with their management.

Possibilitats de mobilitat internacional a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi

Erasmus+ accreditation

We are an Erasmus+ centre accredited by the SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education). We have Erasmus+ accreditation in the area of school education (from Primary to Baccalaureate) and in the area of Vocational Training.

We have a structured and long-term plan (Erasmus Plan) with which we carry out high-quality study abroad experiences for students. We have stable financing for our participants every year.

Acreditació Erasmus+

Study abroad

We have a varied offer including long-term exchanges, an international learning and living experience in the UK and Ireland lasting one term, as well as short-term exchanges in the US or Europe and virtual exchanges.

internacional sant igansi

Virtual exchanges

We offer virtual exchanges with India as well as the Spellian project to develop students' communication skills.

India SI

International experiences and projects

The different international projects available to our students include the JEEP (Jesuit European Education Project), in-depth visits to Auschwitz, spiritual experiences in Taizé, the Water is Life project, the Jesuit Star Conference Project, Mount St Mary’s College and the Jesuits and History international event.

Sortides a Auschwitz

Conversation Assistants

We aim to promote the integration of the English language into school life.

We create natural spaces in the Infant School to develop oral comprehension.

We offer conversation sessions in English, in small groups, from Primary onwards.

We also incorporate a French language conversation assistant from year 5 Primary onwards.

Spellian a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi
American High School Diploma

Dual Diploma

We offer this official programme for the validation of high school diplomas created and carried out by Academica International Studies.

This allows students to obtain a dual qualification: the Spanish Baccalaureate, through in-person attendance at school, and the American High School Diploma, through online attendance.

Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi, escola autoritzada per Academica International Studies com a American High School

Global College USA

Global College USA offers the opportunity to students (athletes or not) to study a university degree in the United States with a scholarship, both sports and academic.

This organization accompanies the student/athlete throughout the entire process: from the moment they decide to carry out this project (in the preparation of the academic and sports requirements, the various administrative and logistical procedures, finding the right university, etc.) until they the student/athlete graduates from college.

Global College USA

Summer and English

We offer students from year 5 Primary to Baccalaureate and CFGM options to strengthen their English during the summer. We offer stays in Ireland, the UK, the US and Canada.

Estiu i anglès a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi