Subsidised Primary School in Sarrià, Barcelona.

Learning to think and learning to learn.


We promote our pupils’ self-knowledge

We support students throughout their learning process. Children achieve knowledge comprehensively. We offer guidance so that students achieve social and emotional competences, always taking into account diversity. We facilitate the acquisition of strategies, techniques and study habits. We foster initiative, awaken curiosity and encourage curious and critical attitudes in our pupils.

We ensure the continuity of the pedagogical and methodological elements initiated in MOPI (Pedagogical Model for Children)

How do we implement our Horitzó+ educational project?

We give children an education that ensures their personal development. We lay the foundations for an education based on personal autonomy, responsibility, solidarity, freedom, participation and individual and collective commitment to building a better world.

We cater for diversity and help them to acquire learning strategies, techniques and study habits.

Our teaching team

We have a team of expert professionals to accompany them at this stage, which provides them with values that will form the basis of their education and growth throughout their lives.

We accompany, plan and assess jointly inside and outside the classroom: tutoring team, specialists, psycho-pedagogues, English conversation assistants, technical staff, management, monitoring team, etc.

Anna Puigderrajols, directora de Primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià

Team of tutors

We offer individual or group tutoring to take care of students’ personal, academic and spiritual progress.

Alumnes i docent de primaria de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi amb l'ordinador

Conversation Assistant

We aim to promote the integration of the English language into school life. We propose conversation sessions in English, in small groups, to increase the oral communicative competence of each pupil.

Alumnes i docent de primaria de l'escola Jesuites Sarria - Sant Ignasi parlant

Child and Adolescent Counselling Department

We are staffed by a psycho-pedagogical team to attend to the diversity of learning rhythms and needs of the pupils, and to provide advice and monitoring.

Departament d'Orientació Psicopedagògica a primària de Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi

Lunchtime and after-school educational team

We have integrated the lunchtime and after-school education team into the educational team of the stage to contribute to the pupils’ all-round education.

Menjador de primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi

Our services

We have additional services during school hours from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm, and outside of school hours.

School transport

We have school transport services in Barcelona, Baix Llobregat and Sant Cugat. 

For more information you can contact

Dining room with own kitchen

We offer balanced menus adapted to suit the needs of the children, supervised by nutritionists.

Nurse’s office

We attend to the primary care needs of our pupils throughout the school day.


We have a space where students can take part in teaching activities, learn to enjoy reading or use it as a place for study or consultation.

We have a vast collection of books for all ages, newspapers and magazines, computers and rooms for group work.

Access to the school by car up to Primary Year 4

We offer this option at drop-off and pick-up times.

Sale of school and sports clothing

School clothes can be purchased via our online shop.

Online platform

We publish internal school information through the laNet platform, the school app and the class diaries, to view and track school activities and proposals.

Christian community

We offer the possibility of experiencing the Christian faith together with the children and other families in formative spaces.

Our facilities

Safe, creative and welcoming spaces.

Safe, creative and welcoming spaces. They are multi-purpose and flexible in order to respond to students' vital and educational needs and to encourage their autonomy and affective links with the community, making the school environment also a cultural and learning environment.

Get to know our facilities
Instal·lacions de primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi
Instal·lacions de primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi
Instal·lacions de primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi
Instal·lacions de primària a Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi

Extracurricular activities

We continue to foster the comprehensive education of our pupils through sporting, cultural and artistic activities outside school hours.

We offer sporting, cultural and artistic activities outside school hours. These activities are run and managed by the school and are voluntary. They form part of our educational project and the comprehensive education of our pupils.

Extraescolars esportives a les escoles de la xarxa Jesuites Educacio


We foster the values of belonging and team spirit, cooperation and knowledge of oneself and others through sport. We can provide a wide range of activities for all ages.
· Basketball
· Football (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Roller Hockey introduction (Primary Year 1 to 4)
· Roller Hockey (Primary Years 5 and 6)
· Volleyball (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Gymnastics (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Athletics (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Judo (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Swimming (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Synchronised swimming (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Figure Skating (from Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Dance (from Primary Year 1 to 6)

Extraescolar culturals a les escoles de Jesuites Educacio


We pose new challenges and teach in an innovative and encouraging environment for the pupils. We can provide a wide range of activities for all ages.
· English (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Arts & Crafts (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Chess (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Robotics and programming (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Theatre (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· Textile crafts (Primary Year 1 to 6)
· 3D design and virtual reality (Primary Year 3 to 6)

Escola de Música Kostka

Music School

We ensure high-quality musical education that fosters knowledge, enjoyment and appreciation of music. We offer music education based on voice training, auditory work, musical reading and writing, individual learning of the instrument and musical practice in groups. We encourage creativity and foster work on values such as respect, commitment, perseverance and the ethos of hard work.
Our project is structured throughout all the educational stages, adapting the various activities to the age of the children, young people or adults.
· Music (Primary Year 1 to 6)

Casals d'estiu a l'escola de Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi

Summer camps and schools

To enjoy the summer with quality activities in tune with the values of our educational proposal, we offer various activities such as English language stays abroad, sports camps and campuses, and the Summer Adventure School in partnership with the CIC at the Sant Ignasi facilities. Check out all the details!

Summer and English
We propose stays in Catalonia (from Primary Year 2 onwards), in the UK (from Primary Year 5 onwards) and in Ireland (from Primary Year 6 onwards). Find out more!

Sports campuses in Tortosa and Amposta
We offer basketball, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, volleyball, football, futsal and roller skating. Find out more!

Leisure and sports campuses at Sant Ignasi. We partner with:
CIC Language School at the Summer Adventure School
FBC Fundació del Bàsquet Català
FCB School – Sport
Roller Hockey Campus.
Find out more!

Spiritual growth activities

We accompany our students in internal and spiritual work.


We facilitate the catechetical process from Primary Years 4 to 6 and the celebration of First Holy Communion.

Choirs & Guitars

We learn to play the guitar, to fill a space for recreation in a different way, to live together with others, to sing and to participate and help in the various celebrations of the year.

Take your time

We encourage our pupils from Primary Year 5 to Lower Secondary Year 2 to work on internal development, human formation, Ignasianity and pastoral care.

Discover our subsidised Primary School in Sarrià

The choice of school is a key decision for children's development. We open our doors to show you how we are and what we do. Arrange a personal interview or visit us at the open day. We will wait for you!

Fill out the form and we will contact you.

Contact details of the father/mother
Student data
Course details