January 31st, 2024

Connecting with Pascal Canfin, member of the European Parliament

Today, 31 January 2024, a group of pupils taking part in the EPAS (European Parliament Ambassador Schools) project, joined a video call with other schools involved in the project. The webinar was hosted by the European Parliament office in France.

In this meeting we had the honour and pleasure of listening to and interviewing Pascal Canfin MEP, Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

The question and answer system was highly interesting and effective. We split them into small groups to ask questions on elections, the environment and how he got into politics. Afterwards, Mr Canfin joined the meeting, answering the questions most voted by the participants.

It has been an enjoyable experience, in which we have had the opportunity to meet in many European schools, to learn more about the European Union and the European Parliament, and also to practise our French.