April 17th, 2024

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The 2nd year upper secondary students attended the lecture The Israeli-Palestinian conflict given by Professor Xavier Garí, Dr. in Contemporary History.

The conference had three parts:

The historical view. In order to shed light on the historical mess that prevents us from understanding the current situation, Garí explained how the longest conflict in history began and is still going on today.

The current view. To understand the present that has exploded, situating the past and opening up hopes for the future, we gained a deeper understanding of what is happening today, how we have reached this situation and what has predominated in terms of violence.

The vision of the future in peace. We discussedwhat ways of resolution exist, how Peace can open the way, what hopes we can have, and we heard that all conflicts, even the most difficult, bloody and complex, have historically had ways out, and always – always – all conflicts have always been resolved by peaceful and pacifist means (dialogue, understanding, peace agreements, rehabilitations, reparations, reconciliations).

Conflicte israeliano-palestí_Xavier Garí