October 18th, 2023

Successful educational collaboration between the schools of Jesuïtes Educació in Barcelona and Brno (Czech Republic)

The educational work between the Jesuit schools in Barcelona and Brno is reaching a new milestone in the 23/24 school year, becoming an outstanding example of international cooperation in the field of education. This fruitful partnership started three years ago and has grown significantly since then.

visita txecs

This year, the Jesuit schools welcomed a group of pre-school and primary school teachers from Brno (Czech Republic) who were able to observe first-hand the pedagogical project, the facilities and the concept of internationality of the Jesuïtes Educació network.

At Jesuïtes Sarrià – Sant Ignasi, the visit focused on the pre-school stage (MOPI). Anahí Trullén and Anna Mestres, educators of this stage, accompanied the Czech teaching team to get to know the school, how it operates and to learn more about the centre's learning methodologies.

For Jordi Rull, coordinator of the initiative, "these experiences bring a new dimension to schools, open their eyes to the outside world and provide a willingness to improve by learning from each other".

This educational collaboration between Barcelona and Brno demonstrates the value of sharing experiences and educational approaches between different cultures and educational communities, thus enriching the quality of education offered to students in both cities.