May 14th, 2024

Kangaroo Tests 2024

Last March 21st, the 5th and 6th grade students of PE, ESO and Baccalaureate of Sant Ignasi took part in the 27th edition of the Kangaroo Tests, called by the Catalan Mathematical Society. It is the biggest school competition that takes place around the world and is, without a doubt, a great celebration of logic and mathematics.

One of the main objectives of these tests is to stimulate and motivate the learning of mathematics through problems. The tests consist of problems of increasing difficulty and with multiple closed answers.

Our 5th grade Primary student Anton was among the first 15 students with the best score among the more than 12,000 participants. For this reason, he deserves the distinction in the Primary School Kangaroo. A distinction that he will receive at the 2024 Kangaroo Trial awards ceremony that will take place next Monday, May 27, 2024 at the AXA Auditorium, on Diagonal Island, in Barcelona.


The Kangur awards were born in Catalonia in 1996 for Catalan-speaking territories, following the example of Kangorou, a Maths game created in 1991 in France that was inspired by the model of Australia's national competition (of here his name). It has currently spread to more than 30 countries and has more than 6 million registered students. 

You can find more information at Association Kangourou sans Frontières: /


proves cangur 2024 - sant ignasi - jesuïtes Sarrià