May 22nd, 2024

Vocational orientation day in Baccalaureate

Nearly 30 former high school students explain their university experiences to students who are currently in their first year of high school to help them in their academic and professional orientation process.

Jornada d'orientació professional a 1r de Batxillerat


Mireia Comabella, Blanca Garcia, Mar Aviles, Lucía Picardo, Maria Picó, Berta Retana, Ares Pont, Nuria Mellado, Marta Bossy, Andreu Fidalgo, Javier Ribas, Blanca Adroher, Rita Duelt, Clàudia Puiggròs, Lucía López-Gil, Nicolas Molina, Irene Limpo, Alejandro Balañá, Lucas Akierman, Andrea Bellmunt, Ramon Serra, Alex Pinya, Joa Deu, Antonio Jover, Albert Riu, Pablo Molina, Blanca Mira and Catalina Escassi,former students of Sant Ignasi, have shared their university experiences with the 1st year high school students.

The day was structured in 4 simultaneous round tables of the different branches of study: scientific, technological, social, humanistic and artistic, in which former students gave their views on what the change of the school meant in college, what they expected and what they found.

The students then asked them questions about the attitude with which they should face university studies, how they should prepare themselves and what they should work on from the Baccalaureate.

Biomedical Sciences, Nursing, Psychology, Veterinary Science and Animal Production Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Biology, Law, Business Administration and Management, Statistics, Economics, Political Science and Public Management, Humanities, Advertising and Public Relations, Global Studies, Translation and interpretation, Applied languages, Mechanical Engineering, Data Science and Engineering, Engineering in Industrial Technologies, Financial Engineering and Mathematics, Engineering and Economic Analysis, Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Telecommunications Engineering,they are the university studies they chose and today they explained, first hand, to the boys and girls of the 1st year.

It has been a very profitable and enriching day of dialogue for the students of the 1st year of Baccalaureate and a very endearing meeting for the former students.