October 25th, 2023

Round Table on Diabetes for students of the CFGS in Dietetics

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world, so it is essential that our students have the opportunity to hear from patients and health professionals in order to raise awareness of the importance of this disease.

The students of the CFGS in Dietetics at Jesuïtes Sarrià - Sant Ignasi enjoyed a round table discussion on diabetes with Professor Judit Vilalta, as a patient and expert in diabetes, the ADC - Diabetes Association of Catalonia, and the teachers Mercè Gonzalo and Anna Palmes, as moderators.

The aim of this discussion was to address the following topics: awareness of the disease, how the disease is approached from a more psychological point of view by health professionals, the latest trends in treatment and patient management of the disease.

A unique opportunity to learn more about diabetes and see the disease from different perspectives.